January 2013
January 2013 Happy New Year, friends! …. When I was growing up …. we always had what was called "Watch Night Service" on New Year’s Eve …. a wonderful gathering …. with us on our knees "praying" as we entered into the New Year. I really do miss those services. Here we are in a brand New Year 2013 …. more incredible opportunities for me to proclaim that "Jesus is Lord" to the world …. and are you like me …. looking forward to what this New Year might bring into our lives? Even though we do not know how difficult things will be this year …. we only know …. we need not fear …. because Jesus who has not failed us in the past …. will not fail us in the future …. please keep that in your heart for comfort and assurance. We may not know what the future holds …. but we do know the One who holds the future. Romans 8:32 - If God did not spare even His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, won't He surely then give us everything else we need. This New Year began with me taking a beautiful drive to Camarillo …. Oxnard …. Ventura …. Santa Maria …. if you have never made that drive …. you do not know what you are missing
Another delicious banquet at a Seniors function in Ventura...and great fellowship. I love to share with Seniors how God wants to continue to use them …. I also shared an afternoon meeting for Seniors at Santa Maria …. the crowd was great …. and I am certain that God did minister through the message and songs.
My long time friend Vineta who lived in Nevada went home to be with Jesus. I have written about her before …. as she was a very special friend I met when I had my retirement party from the Telephone Company at the Hyatt …. she was a waitress that night …. heard me sing …. was hurting because her only son had passed away just weeks before …. I ministered to her …. we became good friends …. I would visit her in Nevada …. in fact I was there to celebrate her 90th birthday.
She loved God and was ready to go be with Him …. she asked me to please carry her ashes to Santa Maria …. to bury her with her mother and son …. I made all the arrangements to do that …. my dear friend Ramona came to the cemetery to be there with me …. and I was grateful for that …. I said a prayer to God thanking Him for Ms. Vineta’s life …. for the gift He gave her to be generous to everyone she saw …. and I know she will be rewarded.
Colossians 3:24 - Knowing that of The Lord, you shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Jesus.
I mentioned the Hymn-Fests I have been a part of …. sponsored by an organization called "Kid of Character" …. led by Tony and Kathy Salerno …. what a vision they have to go into schools …. have an assembly …. sing songs …. give a CD to each child …. an ABC book (from A - Z) …. instead of A-is for apple …. no, it is for Attentiveness …. B once was ball …. but is Boldness .... C, not for cat .... but for Contentment .... in their book, etc. …. I am so thankful to be working with this ministry that enlightens and empowers elementary-age kids in the area of character .... we must reach the children …. churches are asked to select a neighborhood school and sponsor the cost of bringing in the CD's, books, etc. …. and the feedback from the kids as well as teachers and principals is great …. please pray for this Ministry and let me know if you want to reach them and be a part. What a treat at the last Hymn-Fest to have a children's handbell choir. I loved seeing and hearing them. |
For years I have heard about The Liberty Quartet from Idaho …. heard they are very good singers and communicators …. well, I heard they were in my area last weekend …. I was able to go and hear them …. and was I blessed and impressed …. WOW! …. they are really good …. so if you hear that The Liberty Quartet is in your area …. please try to go hear them …. you will not be disappointed …. only blessed!
I always so look forward to attending a conference for Pastors and Evangelists each year in San Diego …. starts the last Wednesday of Jan. for 3 days …. I am certainly refreshed as I listen to the anointed speakers …. I was asked to do a 30-minute concert ....
The weather was gorgeous …. I had a lovely hotel room …. and got to just relax as I was being fed spiritually …. God is good!
Thanks for your prayers as I travel. I am grateful for your kindness to me with your prayers. I am so blessed when I receive a call or an e-mail telling me they are praying for me …. and for your financial support; I also say “Thanks” …. remember your gift is tax deductible …. you will receive credit here and in Heaven …. no amount is too small. As you are planning your schedule for 2013 …. if there is a time for me to come to your church …. Senior Adult Ministries …. or your Women's Function …. you will not be disappointed! And yes, you can afford me. What a wonderful pleasant surprise to have Arthur Blessitt speak at the church I attend …. (the man who has carried the cross around the world) …. what a dynamic speaker! He told us to share each day with everyone we meet, and this year I plan to speak with each person who serves me in a restaurant about Jesus …. yes!
John 9:4 - I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. Let me encourage you that in this day of uncertainty …. high gas prices …. divorces …. whatever it is …. we know that Jesus as our Personal Savior wants us to cry out to Him for help …. He is there! We should not have a feeling of despair when we know that God is "who he says He is” …. He is our Peace …. our Healer …. our Friend …. the One who lifts up our heads when we feel low in spirit …. and we can trust Him for all our needs. Ephesians 1: 3 - Blessed by the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the Heavenily places in Christ... There is still time for you to come along .... to help me celebrate my 75th birthday. The cruise is April 28 - May 5 out of Fort Lauderdale to The Eastern Carribbean on the World's largest ship .... The Allure. You'll love it. Please let me know how you are doing …. and how I can pray for you …. may God bless you in this New Year 2013 and beyond. I John 2:28 - And now little children, abide in Him, that when He appears, we may have confidence and not to be ashamed before Him at His coming. Until next time..... |
Ms. Lillie Knauls
Cell: 909-728-1010
E-Mail: singer@misslillie.com