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July 2010 - Sept. 2010
July 2010 I always look forward to the month of July because for those of us who live in California, it means that "June Gloom" is past. The complaints are usually this (from the tourists who come to visit during June)....they cannot believe that the weather is not warm. However, we are accustomed to it. So now July is here and it has begun to warm up. I love to read about the signing of that precious Document that brought us together as a Nation....The Declaration of Independence. It gives us the freedom most countries do not enjoy....and we know that our great land was built on principles from the Bible....that is why we as Christians are so concerned when we see how things have gone awry….how laws are created to counter the original intent of that Document. Aren't we glad that our God is in control....and Jesus is our Peace? John 14:27 - Peace I leave with you, My Peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. On Sunday, the 4th of July, we went to visit the church pastored by Andrae & Sandra Crouch....their birthday is July 1....so we knew it would be a special day of celebration for them....and it was. We were sooooooooooo very blessed as he sat at the piano sharing with us....and singing his famous song, "Through It All"....as well as other wonderful songs. What a great gift God gave him...and me. We have been friends for nearly 45 years.
The "little girl" in me absolutely loves fireworks....so I left my house at 8pm on Sunday night to go watch some. And as usual, I was not disappointed....you should see me clapping my hands and going "oooooo” and “ahhhhhh” as I seen them explode into exciting patterns ....such as a "great big smiley face"….(I had not seen that before, it was very special). All my life, I have wondered how those fireworks are made....recently I saw a one-hour program on TV with the story....most interesting. I have spoken often of how my heart is glad when I am asked to come to ministries who are there for the homeless .......... for those battling addictions....and those who have no work. It was my pleasure to go to Los Angeles this week for such a ministry....they have three homes....one for mothers with children....another is a transition house for those men who just left prison....and the one where I ministered is called "Hope Again." It is run by a sweet couple with a real heart for the folk God has called them to. They minister tirelessly .... as counselors....teachers....showing love and compassion to all who come through the doors.....helping them to get sober ......... to train for the workplace....and of course most of all, leading them to Jesus who WILL give them hope again as they are taught God's Word. Jeremiah 29:11 - I know the plans I have for you, says The Lord; plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
It was wonderful for me to go minister in Word and Song. To my surprise....I was told that for one week, there had been a group ministering in any way they could....from Seattle....for those of you who know me....you know I grew up in Seattle....in fact, I was just there for Father's Day. We connected quickly .... I told them they would never be the same after returning home....having walked the streets of Hollywood witnessing ...... feeding at the missions ....and seeing those hooked on drugs. Here is a photo of the group.
Most are in high school and some even in middle school.... they testified how their lives had been changed....and were thankful for the experiences since arriving there. When I told them I was from Seattle and had graduated from Garfield High School, there was excitement because there were two who attend Garfield now....so that was fun. I am certain that God touched hearts as I sang to those who could easily feel they had been forsaken by God, but I know they were encouraged through the words of the songs. I even went to my closet, gathered some things I had not worn for a year...I folded and took them to them....as well as shoes. Matthew 25:40 - The King will answer and say, "Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these....you did it to Me." I am very busy three Sundays each month....but I am home at my church one Sunday, as well as the mid-week service. I have said it before, and I will say it again .... I am grateful for the "assignment" God gave me to travel the world to proclaim that Jesus is Lord. I would love to come to your church for an event....a Seniors group....Ladies function....just let me know. You will not be disappointed. I just learned that my friend Walter Hawkins went to be with Jesus....he was the brother of Edwin Hawkins of "O Happy Day” fame. Walter was a Pastor, Songwriter....having produced and released many of the great gospel songs. We shall certainly miss him....please pray for the family.
I wrote earlier about the freedom we enjoy here in America...but think about the freedom we can have in Jesus....we are no longer a slave to sin. Celebrate your freedom in Christ, live wholly so we can enjoy life here, as well as in Heaven. John 8:36 - ....if the Son of God makes you free, you shall be free indeed. It seems that so most folk are going through deep trials .... experiencing heart-felt difficulties....but we can have the assurance from God’s word that He will see us through it all. When I recorded my latest CD, I put that wonderful Andrae Crouch song on it....to encourage and lift hearts....it has done that (click here to go to CD). Isaiah 41:10 - Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with My Victorious Right Hand. Friends are friends forever! When I was a part of the Faith Temple Church in San Jose....singing in the choir (Nancy Harmon was my choir director), we were one big happy family. Through the years...some of us have lost contact. But I am told Facebook brings people together again.....I am not on Facebook .... however, often when I need someone who is, and they place some information about me on there....I hear from long lost friends and family. What a joy to reconnect with two special friends from Faith Temple who just celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary....they asked me to come to Sacramento to be a part. I was so happy to go for that happy day to be with Ted and Dee. Get this....it was a total surprise....all planned and executed beautifully by their five daughters....(which Dee had when she met Ted .... two years into their marriage....they had a boy.
While in the area, I was blessed to sing at Trinity Assembly....what a service. They sang familiar songs Only eternity will tell what your prayers and support have meant to me. I have been able to spread the Gospel through Word and Song. What an assignment! You are partnering with me when you give (you will receipt a tax-deductible receipt....but best of all, it will be added to your account in Glory). Thank you so much. II Thess. 2:16 - May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who loved us and by His grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope. Aug. 2010 Greetings in the Name of the Apostle, High-Priest of our confession....Jesus Christ, the Savior of this world....the answer to all of the many problems seen in the lives of those who are in bondage....are frightened .... despondent and feel they have no hope. The mission that I accepted 32 years ago....to carry the "Good News" through song (and now through speaking) wherever I see an "open door." I count it such a privilege to do so....and my God has been faithful to meet all of my needs....since I "hung-up" on Ma Bell to begin this assignment. What a blessing to see and hear of hearts and lives changed through the ministry God has called me to. I was given a wonderful opportunity recently ....to minister in a nursing home to a grateful group of patients....most of them sitting there in their wheelchairs singing along with the old hymns of the church. Even those with fading memories....seem to come alive when they hear "At The Cross".... "In The Garden" ...."I'll Fly Away," etc. I never want to get soooooo busy that I forget those who are confined....Jesus told us about that. Matthew 25:40: And the King will answer, "Assuredly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these, my brethren, you did it to Me." How exciting to receive a call from a dear friend in Florida....we sang in the choir together....Betty and Bill asked if I would come to Florida to be a part of their 50th Wedding Anniversary celebration.
The first thing I thought about was "Orlando in August"
Of course, the 50th Wedding Anniversary was simply lovely. They wanted a praise and worship service with songs of Thanksgiving and to acknowledge how faithful God was through the years. The reception was also a beautiful event. Thanks Bill and Betty for the invite. And Thank You, God, for opening doors for me to minister. |
It was so exciting to be in the audience for a taping at TBN. Carmen preached a powerful message and of course sang as only Carmen can sing. It was held at The Holy Land Experience .... what a place! I have been to Israel 8 times....and I feel when I go to the Holy Land Experience, I have been transported back to Israel. So if you are unable to go across the sea to Israel....go to Florida. It is of course, a very special time for me to spend time with friends I met when I lived in Orlando for seven years. I was able to see many of them, and what wonderful fellowship.
Many many years ago, I sang at the largest Assembly of God Church in Orlando, Florida Pastored by Pastor Roy Harthern. How special that during this trip, his precious wife, Pauline celebrated her 80th birthday and I was blessed to attend that party. They have always been dear friends who have sold out to the will of God.
There is a magazine called "Homecoming" published by Bill and Gloria Gaither....and in the Sept/Oct. issue, there is something about me called "Getting to Know You" .... just stuff about me....some silly and some serious My hope is to minister, wherever I am led....to places and people who need to hear about the Saving Grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Please keep me in your prayers that I will continue to do the work assigned me.....so when I am called Home, I will hear Him say those two words, "Well Done." I am certain that is your heart's desire. In your difficult times, it is wonderful that we have God's Word to assure us that he is with us....and will never leave us. Hebrews 13:5 - I will never leave you nor forsake you. So be steady, indestructible and immovable as we stand on Jesus, The Solid Rock. I don't like to close the newsletter without thanking you who send gifts of love to the ministry on a regular basis or whenever you are prompted. I am extremely grateful to you and know that God will bless you when you bless me....it will be added to your account in Glory....and you will receipt down here Hebrews 12:2 - Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the Cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Sept. 2010 Psalms 118:24 - This is the day the lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. Isn't it a blessing to wake up in the morning and realize that you have been given another day to proclaim the "Good News" to this hurting world .... what opportunites we have....as everywhere we go....there are people who need Jesus. And if "each one will reach one....then the world will know about the One who can change their lives." I trust that you're doing that. We still have work to do....a task to complete, a job to finish. When I was in Florida in August....I went to see some special friends. I have no idea that I was actually seeing him for the last time on this earth....he went to be with Jesus just four days after our visit. As we talked that day....he asked if I would sing for his homegoing celebration....I said "Of course, what would you like?"...."Anything." I then, quoted the words from a song I am asked regularly to sing at funerals....well, he loved the words and said "Yes, I like that one." I then suggested we not talk about that....because I told him "It ain't over till God says it's over" .... well, he thought he knew what I was going to say....as we have all said it "It ain't over till the fat lady sings." He then began to laugh. We had a fun time with that. Then he said "You need to say that at my service before you sing.....so that everyone will get a big laugh." I flew to San Jose to sing "Finally Home" (if you've never heard that song, it is on my CD "More Potpourri"....it has been a real comfort to many families during their time of sadness. I must tell you what Jeannette and Ernie did for me....why they are so very special. I was singing regularly at a church in San Jose, folk began asking me to come sing in their church....it was difficult to always have a pianist to travel with me, I had never made a record and had no money to produce one. This couple gave me a check to make my first record. They helped launch the ministry God had for me. At the homegoing service, we heard about how very generous he was to so many....even paying for young folk to go to Bible College. I was blessed to hear how he not only blessed me....but so many others during his life. Ernie learned as he grew up in a wonderful Christian family....that it is more blessed to give than to receive.
Psalms 116:15 - Precious in the sight of The Lord is the death of His Saints. We here in "Southern California are experiencing some very warm weather....like in the 110's...whew...so I was very happy to go to South Dakota for ministry. What a trip! As it got to as low as 36 degrees at night, which I love, because I like it to be cool at night when I sleep.
That Sunday evening, I sang for a "Light for the Lost" Banquet....money was pledged for literature to be printed in different languages around the world....from comic books for the children to The Bible for all. I always try to speak/sing for Christian Women's Connections everywhere I go....so what a joy to be a part of meetings in Wyoming (three clubs).....I was able to meet sisters I do not have to wait to get to Heaven to meet. It was 1982, when I was in Rapid City for the first time to see Mt. Rushmore....July 4th was on a Sunday....I was asked to be part of services held in the amphitheater....I cannot describe what it was like being there....looking up at that work of art....those four presidents carved into a mountain. I sang with the Strategic Air Force Band, there were many military officials on hand....I felt so much love for America. I wanted to return to that spot....as well as go see the other monument also being carved into a mountain: an Indian on a horse, it is called "Crazy Horse. One of the men who had worked on Mt. Rushmore began this gigantic task. He has since passed away, but his wife and 10 children are following his printed instructions to finish it. Sixty years ago it began, and only God knows when it will be done. It is something to behold. I also sang at a benefit for "Daisy House." What a concept....it is a unique place for Alzheimer's patients. The caregivers are able to drop off their loved ones and have some time alone....as we know it is very necessary when you must care for your loved one day-in and day-out. They are cared for in a loving manner....and they also do creative projects, etc. My wonderful friend Sandi put it all together and 95% of all women in attendance wore hats....it was called "Tea Time." I am happy I was able to be a part of that day.
Psalms 46:1 - God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. When I had my Retirement Dinner at the Hyatt in 1978, there was a sweet waitress I became acquainted with....we have been friends since that day....she now lives in a small town, Pahrump near Las Vegas. She has no family....well, she is a part of my family.....all my sisters and my brother love her.....so I felt I needed to go to celebrate her 90th birthday. We went together to the church where I sang on Sunday, Trinity Assembly.....it was a wonderful service. The Pastor and his wife took us to lunch, a nice time together.
Isaiah 46:4 - Even to your old age, I am He, even to your grey hairs, I will carry you; I have made you and I will bear you; even I will carry and deliver you. This has been a very busy month as you can see.... I also have a very busy month coming up....I will tell you all about it in my next newsletter. Again, thanks for your phone calls and letters, saying that you lift me up in prayer. I really do appreciate your loving concern. Thanks also for your gifts of love to this ministry....whatever you give will be added to your account in Glory....plus a receipt for your contribution down here. Our God has been faithful to all of us....for in His Word, He promises it. We can trust Him in every situation....I have said it before...but I'll say it again, do not focus on your problem but instead focus on the promises of God.....His Word. Psalms 9:10 - And those who know Your Name will put their trust in You; for you, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you. See ya next time..... Happy to be His Handmaiden, |
Ms. Lillie Knauls
Cell: 909-728-1010
E-Mail: singer@misslillie.com