March 2013
March 2013We have all seen it .... maybe on a billboard along the road .... and in many sporting events in arenas around the world .... someone is sitting in the stadium holding a placard with perhaps the most familiar scripture in the Bible .... John 3:16 ...."For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son .... and if we believe .... we don't have to perish .... but we can have everlasting life" .... WOW! That is powerful! I love Easter! .... actually, for some time now, I call it "Resurrection Day" .... because that is what it means to me .... it says .... what the day is all about .... the day Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ arose from the dead. Matthew 28:6 - He is not here; He has risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay. Having been a part of the Gaither Homecoming videos for 20 years now .... I don't consider myself a "Southern Gospel Singer" .... even though I love the music
God gave me favor to be able to sing at a church I have wanted to sing for a long time .... the Rancho Community Church in Temecula, CA. A powerful message Pastor Scott preached .... I was excited to hear the message again .... and again .... actually 3 times that morning .... I still think about it! This church reaches out to the community in a wonderful way .... meeting needs when they see them, which is our duty as God commanded. James 1:27 - Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. I absolutely loved singing with their large choir .... as we were rehearsing .... jokingly I asked "what color robes they would be wearing?" .... after the laughter, I was told they don't wear robes any more .... but someone spoke up and said "but maybe we could today if you want us to" .... I said "Yes, Yes, please - I especially love to sing with a choir wearing robes"
For at least a couple of years, I have been listening to a Bible Study teacher on KWVE (Pastor Chuck Smith's Calvary Chapel station) .... I love listening to her on Saturday 2-4 pm .... she really does know the Word of God .... and clearly explains it .... she mentioned a meeting each Saturday night where she teaches .... I so wanted to go hear her .... I asked her if I came .... would I be able to sing a song? Well, I did .... and then sat and listened to an awesome message .... God has given some great gifts to the body .... and Janet Carter certainly has one .... you would be sooooo blessed if you attended. James 1:17 - Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
Each day I am grateful for all the opportunities God gives me to minister in different venues .... I had an awesome one this month .... a monthly Bible Study with nearly 100 ladies in attendance .... WOW! .... it was a great time of speaking/singing .... stayed overnight with that very powerful Bible Study teacher .... her message was on the Resurrection.
I consider it a real privilege to be able to minister to senior groups .... (now that I are one Whatever your age, that message is for you also .... when your time is up on this earth .... God will call you home .... but until He does .... we must continue to reach the world for Jesus .... the time is now. John 9:4 - We must do the works of Him who sent us, because night is coming, when no one can work. Again, Christ is risen .... so let us rejoice! .... when He lives in our hearts and is Lord of our lives .... we can be grateful that God was willing to send His only Son to pay the penalty for all the sins we have or will ever commit .... and Jesus was the only human whose entire life was a sinless one .... but He was willing to pay for our sins by dying on the cross .... we have been redeemed by His precious blood .... and can live a victorious life because Christ defeated death, hell and the grave .... He is alive forevermore. I googled "why is Easter always on a different date each year?" .... I read the explanation three times and still do not understand it I was asked to sing at my church for the Good Friday service .... it is a great time to remember Jesus's death. there was a fantastic drama .... great music .... blessed Communion .... and of the course an anointed message .... the song from my new CD (click here) "The Love of God" fitted right into the Easter theme because it was God's Love that gave us salvation .... and nothing can separate us from His Love. To minister on Easter Sunday is a most wonderful experience .... to be in the presence of other believers who know in whom they believe .... and are excited about the fact that we do serve a Risen Savior .... I was asked to come to an RV park .... where many snow-birds are there for the winter .... but will soon be going back to their homes for a few months .... then most of them will return in November .... what a life!
Romans 14:17 - For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Remember, there is no gift as priceless as the gift Father God sent to us .... His only Son Jesus .... someone who will never leave us nor forsake us in our times of need .... through all the disappointments .... distractions .... questions .... heartaches .... so we have nothing to fear .... Jesus will cause us to look beyond all those things and be encouraged by knowing WHO is in control. I am excited about my 75th birthday cruise, April 28 (click here) .... there is still time if you want to come along .... I will tell you all about it when I write next month. As you are looking at your schedule .... please call me for Ministry in your church, Ladies Function or a Seniors Meeting .... you will not be disappointed, and yes, you can afford me. I know I say it each month .... but it is true .... I am so thankful for you who pray regularly for me .... asking God to strengthen me as I travel .... and for you who send in financial gifts .... I am truly grateful. Since God called me from the phone company nearly 35 years ago to this full time Ministry, He has proven Himself as my provider .... through kind friends .... and I thank you .... your gifts enable me to share this message of Jesus Christ to the world .... so hearts and lives can be changed .... remember, whatever you send will be appreciated and you will receive a tax-deductible receipt .... and of course a reward in Heaven for helping me to "proclaim the Good News." 2 Thessalonians 2:16&17 - Now, our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and God, even Our Father, has loved us, and has given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work. Until next time..... |
Ms. Lillie Knauls
Cell: 909-728-1010