May 2012
May 2012 What is the saying "April showers bring May flowers?" .... how true for us here in my area .... God is so kind to give us beautiful things to look forward to .... like spring flowers .... they bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart .... to know we serve a God who loves color .... whether it is a beautiful landscaped area or even a lonely flower often growing out of the break in the concrete Where I live is 800 ft above sea level .... I began the month of May by driving to Lake Arrowhead to speak/sing for a Ladies Meeting .... well, the drive could have been frightening .... as the drive is curves and curves as you ascend up and up on a two lane with turn-outs for one to allow cars to pass you .... which I used often as I don't do that kind of driving often and I am extremely careful .... (I was actually going slower) Psalms 33:12 - Blessed is the nation whose What a wonderful weekend I had in Phoenix Arizona .... with dear friends. Pastor Don Grosvenor has been Pastor at the same church he founded .... for 53 years .... what a friendly group of folk .... they were so kind .... and of course .... that I think comes from the Pastor and wife .... who are absolutely precious.
The weekend began with a Mother-Daughter Banquet .... beautifully decorated .... good food and fellowship .... I ministered about Joy vs Happiness .... there is a difference .... and I love to share about the difference .... I am told by many ladies .... they had never thought about it that way .... so each day I thank God for the opportunity he gives me at now 74 .... (celebrated my birthday April 30) .... to proclaim the "Good News" through Word and Song. Psalms 119:160 - The entirety of Your Word is Truth, and everyone of Your righteious judgements endures forever. Speaking of my birthday.....well of course, if Jesus has not returned or called me home, by my next birthday which is the 75th .... I am planning a cruise .... and letting you all know now so you can be saving your pennies Now back to my Phoenix Mother’s Day weekend .... Pastor called me on Saturday afternoon to say he felt God wanted me to bring the message in the Mother’s Day service .... so for the first time .... I spoke the message God had given me some time ago .... but I had never delivered it in a church .... I talked about my Mom, being a very dedicated Christian .... she taught us how much we were loved by God .... one of my most vivid memories is coming into the house .... seeing my Mom with her open Bible on her lap .... reading it. I miss her so much. I am told many hearts were touched .... there was a good time of prayer afterward .... I encouraged Daughters to reconnect with Moms they were estranged from and for Mothers to do that also .... I know good things happened .... so once again God was faithful to confirm His Word. Isaiah 55:11 - So is My Word that goes out from My Mouth; it will not return empty to Me, but will accomplish what I desire and acheive the purpose for which I sent it. What another gift from God .... that I had the opportunity to tape a program for TBN in Phoenix .... was a lovely building .... the program will only be shown locally .... I sang one song on a show where I was interviewed .... and taped 2 other songs to be used on future shows .... I would like to thank the station manager, Oralena for letting me come by. She and her daughter, Vanessa were extremely kind to me. I thank God for TBN spreading the gospel all over the world.
Returning home .... I learned a dear friend of 50 years went home to be with Jesus .... and I was asked by his sweet wife if I would come to San Jose to sing for the service .... I went and it was a glorious homegoing .... for Pastor Sam Mathis .... the building was packed .... and many spoke about his love for the Lord .... his never being willing to compromise what God had said in His Word .... his laughter .... and love for his 4 boys .... also many mentioned how close he and his wife were .... you hardly ever saw one without the other .... we shall all miss him .... but thank God for the assurance we have that we will all be reunited .... soon and very soon. |
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Psalms 37:18 - The Lord knows the days of the upright, and their inheritance shall be forever. Also it was wonderful to see sooooo many folk from the church where he was our Junior Pastor .... some I had not seen for many years .... it was fun to have fellowship during that "typical food-fest" after a "black" funeral It was no surprise that I would get my annual "report to jury duty" form .... but when I called the day before as you are asked to do .... I was told I did not have to report .... that was what I needed to hear .... ( even though, I know someone has to do it) .... Those of you who have followed the ministry God has given me know that in addition to the churches .... ladies meetings .... I go regularly to assisted living .... senior homes and prisons with the Good News .... one of my other favorites places to go is the truck stops .... where literally hundreds of drivers stop there every day .... and are helped thru the "Truckers Ministry" .... there is an 18-wheeler parked permanently .... that resembles a church ....
.... with Chaplains who live in the back and are there 24 hrs a day for ministry to those guys who are away from home for long periods .... away from family .... and are lonely, hurting .... and need a friend .... what a joy that I was able to participate in an outdoor event with many gospel singers .... great sound system .... and lots of free food .... truckers came in and out .... and there was always an encouraging word and song ....
.... it was a good day; may God continue to bless the Chaplains who are called to such a needed ministry.
I went to a very special meeting at a seniors place .... the Chaplain who is there each week for a Bible study as well as the Sunday afternoon serivice .... asked me to come sing for them .... I asked a new found friend and sister in the Lord to come along to share her beautiful gift of music. I like to have a time of requests from the audience .... and when they ask for a special song .... Ms. Lori will just be able to play it .... what a gift God gave her to both play by ear as well as read music .... so they were all blessed .... as were we .... I want these sweet folk to know Jesus .... so they can spend eternity with Him .... as heaven is real and so is hell. John 3:16 - For God so loved the World, that He gave His only Begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. What an assigment I have been given and I don't want to slow down .... I want to work til Jesus comes for me .... I have learned He has a definite plan for my life as He does for you .... do you feel that you are doing what He is asking of you? We are living in a difficult times .... many wierd things are happening .... but what a blessing to know that God is in control of each of our lives .... and He sees all that we are facing and will never place more upon us than we are able to bear .... remember the greater the burden .... the greater His grace .... please believe that. Always sincere thanks for those of you who support me through your giving as well as your prayers .... I need both Colossians 3:17 - Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, Giving thanks to God the Father through Him. If you are in charge of planning your upcoming fall banquet .... for seniors .... or ladies function; no need to look any further, 2 Thessalonians 3:17 - Now may the Lord of peace Himself, give you peace at all times and in every way, the Lord be with all of you.
Until next time..... |
Ms. Lillie Knauls
Cell: 909-728-1010