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March 2011
Someone said that "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb." .... Well, seems to have been like a lion....all month. The weather has been so interesting .... lots and lots of rain (which they say we need)....and snow on the mountains near my house....it's beautiful.

But of course, our problems have been nothing compared to what has happened in Japan. I am certain that you have been praying, as I have been for our brothers and sisters there. I have had the privilege of visiting that beautiful country six times ....... ministering with the Missionaries there....they were kind enough to translate many of my songs in Japanese and I sang them phonetically .... that was something. I loved just walking the streets, shopping at their huge stores and riding the rail system....was in awe of so many folk in the streets day and night....but as I sat across from them on the trains .... I saw a sadness .... their need for Jesus was apparent to me....yet, so few have made the commitment to receive Him as Lord and Savior. Let us continue to lift up those who are now suffering ....they are without all the things we take for granted, such as food and water, etc. May there be a harvest of souls come from this disaster....as the seeds that have been planted for years by the Missionaries come to full growth during this difficult time .... remember Japan.
It was a joy for me to attend a luncheon for the oldest person I personally know....Ms. Grace. She was 101 years old....she's quite a lady....still volunteers, and is as cute as can be. I love her! She has the love of Jesus and just radiates His love to everyone she meets.

Ms. Lillie with Ms. Grace
For nine years now, I have had the privilege of singing / speaking for The Christian Women's Connection. It began 70 years ago. The premise is this....for regular attendees to invite non-Christians to attend a luncheon, hear a speaker .... the plan of salvation and will ask Jesus to come into their hearts. Through the years, there have been many many who have done that and are now living an exciting life. I had such a meeting in Lake Havasu, Arizona (home of the London Bridge). It is a planned community, a lovely place....there were 156 ladies in attendance. I gave my new talk entitled "Dealing With The Mess Of Stress" .... I believe God used the talk to challenge the hearts of those precious women ....so their lives can be different when stress is lessened through trusting Jesus Christ. Of course, we know there will always be a certain amount of stress in our lives....and questions such as "How can I find God's will in this mess of stress?"....Well, it is how we handle it that makes the difference.
Proverbs 3:5 & 6 - Trust in The Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
I now have four different talks that I give when I speak. My new Christmas one....I was able to give beginning Dec 2010....so if you need a speaker for your Christmas event .... Ladies .... Seniors .... or Church Banquet .... just give me a call .... I will be excited to come. But of course, I can come any time you want me and sing your favorite songs.
Psalms 98:4 - Shout joyfully to The lord, all the earth; break forth in song, rejoice, and sing praises.
Leaving Lake Havasu, I had a four-hour drive to Phoenix....I was part of a St. Patrick's Day luncheon (worn my green ) at the Senior Housing Facility of First Assembly .... where my friend, the dynamic Tommy Barnett pastors. There is a Chaplain's Ministry with Pastor Sharon in charge. The facility's full-time Chaplain, Skip, is wonderful for the residents. They love him.

Chaplain Skip, Pastor Sharon
and Ms. Lillie
God is so good to me. He gave me a great opportunity to spend some time in the home of my friend of 35 years, Ginger....she has a lovely home....and a new husband. The husband I knew....Don, went to be with Jesus....so now she has been given a new lease on life with this darling man. We had great times of food and fellowship. She had recommended me to the Women's Director at her church....I was able to speak for a Women's Group .... a great time ....ladies wearing hats too. 

Ginger and Ms. Lillie

Beth, Ms. Lillie and Pastor Sharon
One of my favorite places to minister is in RV parks....where snowbirds gather for several months a year. I like it because I am able to minister to so many different denominations .... as they all gather in one place to worship. I just preach and sing about Jesus ....and they are touched. I had a 60-voice choir backing me up. It was wonderful! They mentioned I should return for a night of an old-fashioned hymn sing next year.
Speaking of next year....according to this billboard....we won't be here. When I was driving in the Phoenix area, I saw this billboard....so I took a picture of it....I get so frustrated when I listen to the talk shows who have been interviewing these spokesmen .... doesn't the Word of God say that no one knows the day or time when Jesus will return or when the rapture will be? Well, we'll see, won't we? 

My last day in Arizona, I had a terrific Hat and Tea party....225 ladies seated at tables and 25 sitting in the back in regular chairs (because they waited too late to buy a ticket). It was a real classy event....lots of hard work went into that function. I hope I get to return.

Melody, Jolene,
Ms. Lillie and Delores
I'm home for just a week, then I go to beautiful Hawaii to celebrate my 73rd birthday. I am so excited to return to the place I lived for nearly 10 years, working with the Waikiki Beach Chaplains (a ministry that has services on the beach, now for 40 years).
I will be able to see my many friends I made when I lived there and I have kept in touch. I will be ministering a few times while there. I love the Hawaiian Islands, sooooooooooo beautiful. Please pray for receptive hearts as I minister.......and relax there.
Ecclesiastes 5: 20 - For (Lillie) will not dwell on the days of her life, because God keeps (her) busy with the joy of His heart.
There's not a day that passes that I don't thank God for the wonderful assignment He gave me....to carry the Good News around the world....telling them that Jesus is the answer to all of our problems. I did not receive the full pension I was working for at the Telephone Company. I needed to work 30 years....but at 22 years, I got the "Call" from God....with this new assignment, so I "hung-up" on Ma Bell and walked out into full-time Ministry....and the rest is history! What a life I have! Trusting God for everything I need and seeing Him supply it. These have been 33 years of provision ...... He has met my physical, emotional and spiritual needs .... because He knows I am totally dependent on Him for everything. He has used so many of you to send love gifts to me .... and I am grateful .... He has used you to be a blessing. When you contribute to this Ministry, I am able to give you a tax-deductible receipt for your gift. And of course, it will be added to your account in Glory. Thanks for all of your much-needed prayer support for me....I want to ask you that when God brings me to your mind....please pray. I regularly ask God to bless each of you.
Matthew 25:40 - And the King will answer and say to them, "Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these, you did it to Me."
We are living in difficult times....but thanks be to God....we have a friend....who will be with us in every situation. In our storms....in our tests... in our trials .... in our heartaches ....because His Word says that He will never leave us nor forsake us. Let's live like we believe that....because it's true.
Romans 15:13 - May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
May God bless you and keep you in His care....Aloha 
See ya next time.....
Happy to be His Handmaiden,
