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Oct. 2010
Greetings in the Precious Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We are nearing the end of this fast-moving year . It hardly seems possible that Thanksgiving is upon us and then Christmas. Wow! This has been a very busy year for me and God has proven Himself to be faithful and meet all the needs of the ministry for these 32 years....that I have been full-time. I can honestly say that there has never been a time when I have truly needed something....that God did not supply.... and He is no respecter of persons. Whatever you need....He will supply also.
Psalms 9:10 - And those who know your name will put their trust in You; for You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You.
The Fall season is a special time for me because I try to get away to see the changing of the leaves....some call it "Fall Foliage." This time last year, I flew to Long Island, NY area to view them....seems it was the wrong time....little early....so I planned it for a later time this year. I went to Buffalo, NY area, and as you can see....I saw some beautiful colors. God is awesome. He lets us see His creativity.
Psalms 145:5 - I will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your Majesty, and on Your Marvelous Works.

I was able to speak for a Christian Women's Connection....four clubs came together for their Fall Festival. It was a great banquet....auction (a real live auctioneer)....so much fun and of course....great ministry from God. I know hearts and lives were touched.
Then, over to Canada....Niagara Falls is something to see. Wow!

Ms. Lillie at Niagara Falls
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When I planned this trip....I contacted a dear friend. We were part of the Waikiki Beach Chaplaincy (the ministry that conducts services on the beach each Sunday morning). Donna married a wonderful man and moved back to her home in Buffalo. She invited me to stay in their home. What a special and fun time we had....they took good care of me....real Hawaiian hospitality. Mahalo.

Donna's sister Diane, Ms. Lillie,
Donna, and Donna's husband Tony
Leaving Buffalo, next stop....Batavia and Spencerport, NY for a Christian Women's Connection Meeting. It is so wonderful to be able to meet sisters I did not have to wait to get to Heaven to meet . What a joy to be able to stay in homes with kind ladies. What a great life God has given me! On to Rochester for ministry in a church with annointed praise and worship. A dedicated young Pastor is being used by God to lead his precious flock.
Psalms 144:15 - .... happy are the people whose God is The Lord.
The weather in NY was changing, it was 40 - 60 degrees....I was just happy there was no snow yet. So I was happy to return to California. 
What a great opportunity I was given to sing for Soroptimists Club, an organization that helps abused women and children. It was a Victorian Tea....although I did not have a dress from that era....I just wore a great hat as did most. I had never attended such an event and I loved it.

Ms. Lillie with Mr. & Mrs. Heidt

Mary, Ms. Lillie, Barbie
Special thanks to you who send gifts to this ministry. It is "good ground." You will receive a receipt....and of course it will be added to your account in Glory. Think about this, you are a partner with me as I travel. You help me do what God has called me to do. I am always so grateful when I hear from you who tell me that you pray regularly for me. Thanks.
Be assured I pray regularly for you also, asking God to keep you strong as you cling to His Hand. He will keep you from falling.
Isaiah 40:31 - They that wait upon The Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.
He knows the burdens and crosses we bear and He cares. So be encouraged. God tells us "to burden Him with what burdens us."
Ephesians 6:23-24 - Peace to you and love with faith, from Christ the Father and Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in all sincerity.
See ya next time.....
Happy to be His Handmaiden,
